Old thread can be found here,
So, out of convoluted reasons, I lately had the feeling that I should try to complete some of my old projects. Many seem to have been abandoned a bit too early. I've become rusty at 3D math and coding though, so this was a pretty rough restart.
First, the project got a new working title "Stellar Prospector", because being a prospector (maybe also miner) is supposed to be the core activity of the player in the game.
Second, the project got a new home,
Third, it saw some updates. Finally there is some code to import 3d geometry from OBJ files, so I can use Blender (or any 3D software that exports to wavefront OBJ files) to make space ships and station models. Kinda basic, but really important to get somewhere with this project.
And some basic work has been done to create a panel for scanning a planet for resources, possibly in combination with mining. Sadly, there is an onslaught of real life currently, but I hope that I can keep some motivation to continue work on this and put the parts together. Much is there already, but in a kinda fractured state.