We have asked on here, 4chan, blender areas, irc, etc.
Not one person in the entire world will contribute to our project.
All we got was banned on the IRC for "social crimes".
No one responded to our post either.
Why is it that you so-called opensource programmers are so different than the actual opensource programmers I knew 20 years ago?
If I asked back then there would be 5 much beloved 3d map formats supported within a month. Each programmed by a separate contributor.
Instead you have people like poVoq ruling over your IRC channel; who I know for a fact hasn't done anything for nexuiz or xonotic in over 15 years since he published a push-me map: but that is your "learned overlord" who gets to ban me?
Then you have some other guy lamenting that IRC lacks the censorship tools that discord etc have, while fawning over poVoq about the "important" work he does. Then that person lambasts our project's engine for being written in C: not citing any specific "problem" with that: just "C, in 2024?".
When I joined the opensource community there was a sence of "a rising tide lifts all boats" and that if we contributed to one code base: then that would benifit anyone who used it. We had a sence that the code was independent from the programmer; and the beliefs of programmers didn't matter: we believed in absolute freedom of speech and freedom of conscience.
That is not so anylonger: the new version of the opensource programmer does not want to contribute to any project if any programmer involved in that project does not conform or believe in whatever non-traditional social brainwashing the nu-programmer has been indoctrinated with by the collective west. But furthurmore: the nu-programmer wants to make sure that no-other person can hear the requests for contributon or even hear about the currently-existing features of that project.
Hence the love of censorship tools and dislike of IRC for "being from the 70s" (and for the C programming language for not enforcing social mores of the new """"people"""" (if beings that have volunterilly removed their own ability to reproduce can be called people).
I'm not complaining here from an area of ignorance: I've programmed an additional map format into the engine myself. It took a solid month. It wasn't easy. It was hard. But I had no idea about the map format going in: and I got it done (the engine can thence run wolfenstine:enemyterritory maps). This took work in model_brush.c and model_shared.c, and some other files. The engine can also happily load the online quake3arena bsp maps aswell now: but that was a simple addition I did in the course of adding wolfenstine:enemyterritory map support.
But having done a map format: I don't want to jump in and do another one.
I want other contributors.
And no one will fucking help.