Incoanhyto - (Truely) Intertextual, Collaborative, Anonymous Hypertext creation tool
Incoanhyto is an attempt to create a tool that enforces dissolution. The art created with Incoanhyto is neither clearly game, nor literature - and it is impossible to say were a singular work ends and where another one begins. For the player, the author remains invisible and might even change between singular pages, and the structure of Incoanhyto encourages a swap of roles - players can become authors that can pour experience into art, and the authors have to - if they want to oversee to what their work transforms - also become readers, and interact with their lived-in world.
Running at (with already some hypertexts available there).
Source available at
I hope that the whole thing is blind-friendly and secure to use; have my instance up and running and encountered no problems over the time, but I can - ofc - give no warranty. Can say that it works fine for me, though.