rogerdv Im looking for some open source (or at least, free) terrain generator/editor that can produce a heightmap image. Currently terrain editing in O3DE is a pain and all that terrain maintainer can say is "use Houdini, Gaia, or World Creator".
rogerdv poVoq No. For Godot I use something else, Terrain3D is a much better solution than Zylann's terrain. I need a tool that helps me to create a heightmap. No need to paint, only the heightmap to use it in O3DE.
poVoq rogerdv My understanding was/is that the Zylann tool is mainly an highmap editor and you can get the hight-map output from it. But admittedly I have not used it myself. Or do you want an random hightmap generator?
rogerdv poVoq Havent used Zylann to export heightmaps, never saw that feature while I used it. No, I dont want a random generator, O3DE has some noise gradients that do the job pretty well.
rogerdv poVoq Will look at it. Found a lost folder in my PC with old terrain editors, Scape seems to work and I see that there is a "new" version (from 2019).