This game started out as a game jam entry for the three day Open Jam 2018. For years, little changed about the game, but during the last half year several features were added.
December saw the introduction of a new anglerfish enemy, as well as the ability to run the game with a level as command-line argument, allowing to test run your maze straight from the editor. From May on, the addition of a score count and timer, as well as a speedometer and level transitions, have elevated the project from merely a proof of concept to something that's a little more complete.

A-Mazing Urho is a maze game with a rhythmic twist. Other than most maze games, controls are both stepped and relative: Keys cannot be held down, but must be pressed for every square that Urho moves, with up always being forward. Furthermore, timing is essential to pick up - and maintain - pace, in order to quickly finish a level. To complete a level, simply eat all the shrimp within the set time limit. Points are awarded when hitting a shrimp in quadratic relation to the current speed.