Hello, everybody! I come here to show off a little project I'm making for the Ikemen GO engine. Ikemen GO is a free software remake of the MUGEN engine with advanced features and the like. However, a glaring issue it has is that its default assets (screenpack, characters, etc.) are mostly non-free under the CC-BY-NC license, with Elecbyte's own assets. This is a problem, so I took the initiative to try making libre assets for Ikemen GO to use.
This is an Anarch-themed screenpack (HUD style), using assets from drummyfish's game Anarch as well as some others of his, including some fonts, and coded from scratch with reference from Elecbyte's own documentation. Alongside this is also a character I made of my own Lukifer Dredd and a stage from Wake to Hell, both of which are libre.
This is work-in-progress, but I have enough content here to liberate most elements of the game. This entire data replacement is licensed under the CC0, as is drummyfish's stuff. I'm planning to upload this all to a Git repository so everyone can catch its developemnt as it goes.