paul424 I don't know why this forum engine keeps stubbornly creating a window with a widget with download button instead of literally pasting the disc url, but that's not mine problem.
poVoq Any chance for a Linux version that doesn't use these horrible Snap packages? Appimages or Flatpaks are much better.
paul424 poVoq the snapcraft seems to work on other distros too : for example here on OpenSuse it bells and whistles .....
glitchapp I agree with that and that's one of the reasons why I may switch to a debian based mint distro in the future.
Modanung In any case, if those screenshots of OpenDungeons are recent, your work definitely improved the game's visual appeal. The snap crashes for me - due to audio issues - on Mint (which has snap support disabled by default) and I failed at having it find OGRE for compilation. About Discord: Spyware Watchdog Stop Using Discord for Your Open source Communities
paul424 Uhh Modanung and I failed at having it find OGRE for compilation you mean you try to run cmake and cannot find Ogre ? On Mint ?
paul424 Modanung Have you done all the steps listed here : ???
Modanung paul424 No, I commented all lines in nosnap.pref, until I restored my system to a snapless state... but the package installed just fine, without errors.
poVoq Even if it does work on a few non-Ubuntu distros, Flatpak is much more widely supported and even if that wasn't the case, the dependency on a centralized proprietary store makes Snaps absolutely unacceptable for FOSS.
paul424 Then who could help transform that tomluchowski/OpenDungeonsPlusblob/shaders-improvement/snapcraft.yaml into flatpak file format, may I have such a wish ? For someone knowing this format it's a piece of cake for me those are lost hours.
paul424 Now you can try the game with the flatpak ! I have finally built that game for this package system ! It's enough to type : flatpak install opendungeons-plus.flatpak Any feedback welcome ! EDIT it's not yet in online repository , sorry for that :\
Modanung Well... it crashes a little later (sound works) but still looks the same: Upon starting a skirmish: An exception has occurred: InvalidParametersException: Named constants have not been initialised, perhaps a compile error in _findNamedConstantDefinition at /run/build/ogre/OgreMain/src/OgreGpuProgramParams.cpp
paul424 sorry for necroposting this thread : what you need to do is to call "flathub update" so the game and flathub can catch up with the newest drivers you have on your system.