Plot: Get past the enemy (who moves from left to right trying to catch you) by using the W, A, S, and D keys, get to the car and win.
Background: This was an old game I made in a computer science class that I decided to upload to Codeberg. It's written in Java and was exported from a program called Processing. The game itself is relatively finished in terms of the basic concept (I don't really have any plans to make additions to the basic gameplay), but I might still make certain improvements, and I am open to suggestions on how to make it better.
Dependencies: One thing to note is that since it was exported from Processing as an application, you will need Processing's core.jar library to make it run. The README.md file discusses some ways you can achieve this. It also states that I eventually might do some things to make things easier in this regard.
Q. Why didn't you just include core.jar with the rest of the code?
A. Well, it's under LGPL, while my code is being released under the 2-Clause BSD license. From what I've researched, I'm able to link to the library, but I've shied away from including the library in the repository since I'm not so sure how that would fare in legal terms. Also, from what I've researched, including a dependency library with the code doesn't seem to be something that's always done, since there are a lot of Pygame repositories that don't distribute the Pygame library along with it (although that could be because lots of people have Pygame already.) Let me know if I'm mistaken about something here, though. I'll do what I can to resolve certain issues.
Code: The code can be found on Codeberg.
Feedback: Like I've said a couple times before, I am open to feedback on how to make this better. I could also accept some contributions if appropriate. In any case, if you have anything to provide, let me know. If not, that's okay too.