TPW There is a Libre-License TRPG aiming for complete compatibility with DND5. I'm quite active there.
Peter Sounds great. I was a TTRPG player so this interests me. I assume it is your project. I quote from your wiki: free of a certain set of evil wizards But where is the fun without evil wizards?
poVoq Peter But where is the fun without evil wizards? In case you didn't understand the joke, this is a thinly veiled reference to the company called Wizards of the Coast who own the D&D rulesets these days.
TPW Nice to see all this interest :). I played (and play) DND5 somewhat regularly, and wasn't aware that Hasbro owned the whole thing until the announcements about the OGL. Peter Not exactly my Project, but I'm very active there at the moment. Host is smbd else. poVoq It is, and yeah.
poVoq This is a community driven effort similar to this?
Peter poVoq Oh I didn't get that. Being without WotC is a great thing. Isn't WotC now part of the evil Empire (aka Hasbro)?
Peter When I review the history of D&D I must admit that I'm a really old guy. I roleplayed (but not D&D) long before 3.5 existed. (Even before AD&D 2nd ed. existed.) Anyone else here a really old tabletop RPG-er?