Hi, i'm moving the thread for my game from the old forum, for reference here is the old link: https://forum.freegamedev.net/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=18818&p=111193&hilit=fish+fillets+remake#p111193
To summarize what's been recently added to the game:
Gamepad support: Not just the game but also all the menus and options can be now controlled with a gamepad (no need for a mouse)
The Vr game is now playable (only keyboard inputs are implemented), repository can be found here: https://codeberg.org/glitchapp/fishfillets-Vr/releases

The game finally has a level editor: You can now draw levels and export them to a file. The work is still in progress and you can not add objects and exit area yet but everything else works. If you feel creative feel free to create custom levels with it and submit them to me, I will select the best ones and maybe share them on the website or add it to the game.

I started a godot port here: https://codeberg.org/glitchapp/fish-fillets-godot
Everything is to be done yet, the goal is to unify the vr and 2d game in just one project which would be only 3d so that it can be played on vr.
I hope you like how the project is progressing and feel free to submit any feedback or contributions!